Multiple times in the movie, it’s clear that ‘Maverick’ is allowed the space to be the Maverick, because of support from his friend & wingman ‘Iceman’. Maverick earned his trust in the first movie and they have continued to nurture their bond as Iceman rose through the ranks to be an admiral. Iceman sees the potential in Maverick, and throughout provides him air cover. Iceman reiterates to Tom that “the world needs maverick, the team needs maverick”
What ICEMAN & MAVERICK developed over time was a bond, friendship for life. It takes a while to build trusted relationships with people within your organization and clients such as ICEMAN & MAVERICK have.
Throughout both movies, the camaraderie between team members was phenomenal. In one of the climax scenes, Maverick and Rooster risk their lives and go back for each other, and then Hangman comes back for both of them.
Some of the best year end stories are those of team members helping their peers grow, helping them through a difficult time, and being a pillar and an advocate for each other. It’s all about having each other’s back no matter what.
>John goes into deep detail of SAFE ENVIRONMENT STEP 1 DYNAMICS OF DEBRIEF
Safe Environment = Respect feeling that open & honest line of communication to lay if on the table.
>As a leader, ask yourself these three questions regarding communication.
1. What went well?
2. What could have gone better?
3. What action steps are we going to take as a Team to improve?
>In this video about CADENCE OF COMMUNICATION, John stresses the importance of having a Cadence within Teams – check in with others emotionally before taking action on your day.
> Watch this video of GUCCI & THUMPER to see the special bond between these two solo pilots and the Camaraderie + Communication!
>I Got Your Back: It is important to acknowledge when a teammate is down, the importance of positive engagement as tone matters bringing that Teammate back to alignment to execute at a High Level!
>John’s experiences of his communication line when with The Blues resulted in a positive & happy culture. The attitude of gratefulness and thankfulness for being alive, opportunities, and people!