Team Building Part 3 – How To Build A Better Team

There are various business models on how to build and create a high performance team. Some models will state that in order to build a better team you should consistently increase overall productivity. Other models suggest that you should focus on hiring the best talent and then get out of their way.
But in order to build a better team, you need to look at the big picture. Building a high performance team is about the willingness to learn by everyone within the organization, leading by example, and the overall culture that has been created or is in the process of being re-created.
Let’s unpack these three facets a bit more.
Willingness To Learn: One of the most important facets to building a better team is a willingness to learn. No matter the industry, team members throughout the entire organization should have a deep understanding for the product and/or service being delivered, along with the tools and resources it takes to perform their job at the highest level. As a team leader you should be taking the time to learn about your teammates and colleagues; What drives them both personally & professionally? What do they need in order to feel supported? This is why the Debrief is an integral part of organizational structure. It’s a time to connect, learn, gain clarity and together re-strategize and move forward towards improving. Remember, the more you and your team learn from each other, the stronger the outcome. You can learn more about the Dynamics of a Debrief here.
Lead By Example: Be sure that you are holding yourself to the same standards that you expect from each player on your team. Assess and set goals, be focused, trust your team, be accountable and take personal responsibility for your failures. If you do this for yourself, your team will follow in your lead as long as you allow them the space to do so. Every member of a team is also a leader in their role, and every role is important to achieving high performance success.
Create A Culture: Team members should be highly aware of their organization’s core values. Those values should be on display through the actions of each current team member, including yourself. When choosing new team members, ask yourself; What do they have to offer? Do they align with our core values? How will they contribute to elevating the entire team? All it takes is one person to bring the team down…no matter how talented they may be, if they don’t fit with the overall values of the organization, they will eventually have a negative effect on the team’s overall performance. Check out this case study on how we helped Intel maintain a culture of excellence as they navigated through change.
Each of these components is multi-faceted, but combined these guidelines are key to building a strong, high performing team. I hope this is helpful on your journey to Fearless Success. Stay Grateful.
Glad To Be Here!