Pianist Greg Spero Plays “Glad To Be Here” on the Piano

Guest: Greg Spero

Show Live With:  “Take care of the valleys, and the peaks will take care of themselves.” ~Advice from Greg’s mentor, Herbie Hancock. 


Greg Spero is a musician, a keyboardist and a true high performer in his field. Greg has toured with major acts like Imagine Dragons, and worked as a sound designer and performer with the pop artist Halsey. He’s performed in major arenas like Madison Square Garden, and on Jimmy Kimmel Live, The Late Show and Saturday Night Live. 

Today’s episode is unique because some of the interaction will be done with musically, as we unpack the mindset of greatness in music.


Topics Covered in this Episode:

Greg’s Links:

Website: https://www.gregspero.com/ 

Website: https://www.weebid.app/

Email: Greg@weebid.app
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gregspero/