Maverick handled adversity with Rooster as it speaks volumes about patience, navigating uncertainty, and being relentless.
Being a Maverick in life requires you to go out on a limb, it requires you to not seek approval from others, and it requires you to be authentic to yourself and your vision of what you want to make for yourself and how to positively impact others in this life.
Life will throw you a curveball, which none of your training or preparation will fully prepare you for. It’s not a matter of if, but when. Accept that you will most likely not be fully prepared for life’s curveballs, and thus that’s your only form of preparation. Oftentimes this curveball is in the form of adversity. Our only choice is to accept the reality of that adversity and face it the best we can. Go through it moment by moment, day by day, and most likely you will be an example for those around you.
>Believe in reflecting on your achievements, it offers proof that you are skilled at dealing with adversity. By reflecting on both the physical and emotional feelings you experienced as a result of those achievements, you are able to connect with your courage and power.
>RESPOND VS REACT when dealing with Adversity – when you have a setback of any degree, it comes down to how you handle it. One can quit, or one can learn from it and use those learnings to ignite you forward.
>Gucci’s Blue Angels experiences of strength, commitment, and his level of confidence in his abilities to constantly overcome the many challenges he had being selected as 1 of the 6 best aviators in the world. It wasn’t handed to him or the others hard work and most definitely serious challenges faced.
>Continuous Growth: One thing is certain in life of change/s in it that is is always constant, never stops
>The GUCCI Flip: John speaks on always look at the positive of a negative situation and FLIP IT / REFRAME THE SITUATION -Check out this video on THE GUCCI FLIP
>John speaks on how to disengage when things aren’t going right knowing when to pull back in business or life so that when you are ready to engage back you are clear minded and focused: Check out this video about THE CLEAR